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Our response to people and situations is shaped by what we read, what we see, what we hear, what we smell, what we touch. While we cannot provide you with the smell and the touch, in these videos, we hope we can share with you something of what we have seen and experienced during our belonging journey.

Series 1: Understanding young people's lives

Series 2: Creating school belonging

Series 3: Power of belonging

Examples of TioMolina's Work


This series focuses on the global realities shaping young people’s lives today (Videos 1 & 5); explores what happens when young people and staff take to researching about school belonging (Videos 2 & 3); and demonstrates how to use poetry performance to help create a sense of belonging (Video 4).

S1: Video 1. Place and Belonging in our Global World

Listen to what young people and educators have to say about why belonging is so important to them today

S1: Video 2. A Place to be: Student Researchers Show the Way

Watch how involvement in researching for belonging generates a sense of agency, connectedness and belonging.

S1: Video 3. Rethinking Classrooms: Teacher Researchers learn from their students

Newly qualified teachers describe what they have learned from their research and how this has changed their practice.

S1: Video 4. Using Poetry Performance to Create Place and belonging

Watch DancePoet TioMolina and Professor Kathryn Riley working with young people.

S1: Video 5. Making Belonging Work in a Volatile World

Meet some of the student-researchers, reporting on their findings to an audience of school leaders and policy-makers at City Hall.

Project Team

Professor Kathryn Riley, Dr Max Coates, Dr Dina Mehmedbegovic, Rhoda Furniss, TioMolina (Cubartista) and Frank Hung (DIDA Media)

Participating Schools:

Corelli College, Elizabeth Garret Anderson School, Mulberry School, St Paul’s Way Trust School, Upton Cross Primary School, Waltham Forest Newly Qualified Teachers’ Network, led by Newport School


Series 2 explores some important elements of school belonging: what it looks like; feels like; how it can be developed. Our particular thanks to the children and staff from St Anthony’s primary school Bromley who have shared so much with us over the years and collaborated with such creativity on this series.

S2: Video 1. Belonging

Schools are one of the few shared social institutions which can help create a sense of belonging- as the children form St Anthony’s demonstrate.

S2: Video 2. Agency

Agency is our ability to intervene in the world to make a difference, to have our voice heard. How can schools develop the agency of staff and young people and what does it have to do with belonging?

S2: Video 3. Place and Space

A school is just a building. What makes it a place is the relationships. Listen to what architect and educator Dr Sol Perez Martinez has to say.

S2: Video 4. Unlocking Possibilities

What brings schools and communities together to become places of belonging?


This series brings together some important elements of belonging: emotions and feelings (Video 1); the importance of place (Video 2); the significance of belonging for all of us (Video 3).
S3: Video 1. Inside Out/Outside In

DancePoet Tiomolina performs in a programme for school leaders in the Netherlands: What emotions and feelings do we carry with us as leaders?

S3: Video 2.Reaching Deptford

Based on the project ‘Deptford a World of Possibilities’. Great lyrics!
My Deptford? Your Deptford?
Whose Deptford? Sharing it all – but never the crumble.

S3: Video 3.The Power of Belonging

Highlights from Kathryn and Roberto’s keynote presentation at the ’International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement’ (ICSEI), Morocco, 2020.Plus -Voices of educators and young people from the global north and south


A collection of some of DancePoet TioMolina’s work

Negra Fulo

Megusta cuando callas



Penny Lane

Cha Cha

Summer Time
