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What We Do

We look at schools through the ‘Prism of Place and Belonging’.

When you look through a prism, the light changes. You see things afresh. When you look at schools through the ‘Prism of Place and Belonging’ you see how things are and how they could be.

Our approach is collaborative. Our aim is to build and share knowledge.

We draw on the most up-to-date evidence from research and professional practice and support our activities with creative and imaginative resources: videos, Blogs and Resources, podcasts, research tools and key publications.


Partner schools and organisations to help create the conditions for school belonging

We draw on the knowledge, skills and experiences of participants and link this to evidence from a range of sources. We run programmes and workshops designed to be enjoyable, challenging and worthwhile, such as:

Creating the Conditions for School Belonging: An innovative programme designed to give participants insights into research on belonging and exclusion and what this means for their schools; the opportunity to undertake a school-based inquiry on belonging; and support them in identifying the intentional actions they can take to make the difference.

Key learning points: When staff and students are involved in research in this way, it helps them develop their skills and capacities. They discover what is, as well as what might be. This approach contributes to the likelihood that positive change will happen.

Help grow leadership, professionalism and creative thinking

Leaders have choices about how they lead.

They shape the school culture and define what is possible by what they say, what they do and who they talk to.

Whether a school becomes a place of belonging for young people and adults, or a closed place (where young people are ostracised by a clique, staff feel unappreciated, and families marginalised) is shaped by the leadership of the school.

Carry out leading edge research designed to push the boundaries of knowledge and understanding, e.g.:

Place and belonging in school: Why it matters today: Research commissioned by the National Education Union (NEU)

Key learning point: In schools where belonging works, young people tend to be happier, more confident and perform better academically. Their teachers feel more professionally fulfilled and valued, and families feel more connected.

Leading in a New ERA: Compassionate Leadership for School Belonging: Research supported by Telford and Wrekin Council and the London Boroughs of Hackney and Islington into the leadership journeys of sixteen headteachers during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Key learning point: We are ‘hardwired’ for compassion, and the journey to kindness and compassion has benefits for all. Compassionate leaders are compassionate to themselves and others, highly relational, genuine, and work to create the conditions for school belonging.

In our work with school leaders - on a range of professional and academic programmes - we offer a fresh perspective on leadership.

Our interactive workshops and keynote sessions enable participants to make connections and collaborate with colleagues.

Partnerships and Collaborations include

Scotland:Contributing to Education Scotland’s ‘Into Headship Conference’ for over two hundred aspirant leaders;

Sweden: Providing a keynote input at the schools and colleges leadership conference organised by the Association of Local and Regional Authorities Västernorrland, Sweden.

Catalonia: Developing a series of workshops for the Departament d'Educació Catalonia designed to support the delivery of its ambitious ‘Learning at the School that Learns’ programme.

London: Developing a community-based programme ‘Deptford a World of Possibilities’, designed to harness the wisdom of stakeholders and leaders in Deptford; develop their sense of place and leadership; and grow collaboration and partnership around common purpose.

Leeds: Keynote contributors to the Diocese of Leeds’ Annual Leaders’ Conference, Being and Belonging: Many parts but one body.